
Preparing Your Home or Business for Hurricane Season

Dark clouds and lightning with a sign that reads "Hurricane Season".

On the east coast of the United States, Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1-November 30. While we are often spared the full brunt of hurricanes that many states in the lower U.S. face, these powerful storms can still pack a wallop when they hit, posing significant risk to people and property. It’s important to take proactive steps to ensure you and your home or business are prepared should such a situation occur.

Stay Informed

One of the most basic steps you can take to prepare for a hurricane is to stay informed with weather updates. With a variety of mobile weather and news apps, it’s never been easier to get timely and accurate weather reports wherever you are. Be sure to sign up for alerts for your area so you can take any necessary precautions.

Make a Plan

Create an emergency plan for your home or business that lays out evacuation routes and designated meeting points. Make sure the plan is communicated with everyone involved. In a business, post the plan in a place where everyone can see it such as a break room. Review and practice the plan regularly so everyone is prepared if the need arises. With smaller children, it can help to frame practicing as a game to make it seem more fun and engaging.

Secure Important Documents

Safeguard your important documents, such as identification papers and passports, insurance policies, medical records, and financial information. Save digital copies in password-protected cloud storage or on external hard drives, and keep physical copies in waterproof and fireproof containers or bags. This will make it easier to recover any necessary documentation in the aftermath of a hurricane.

Build an Emergency Cash Reserve

When there is a power outage, credit card services and machines will likely be offline as well. It’s a good idea to keep a reserve of emergency cash so you can still make necessary purchases such as fuel, food, or medicine. An emergency cash reserve can be built up in small amounts over time. Just make sure to keep it stored in a secure place.

Create and Stock an Emergency Kit

Assemble a well-stocked emergency kit with essential supplies to sustain you and your family or employees for several days. Include non-perishable food, bottled water, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, necessary medications, and a battery-powered or hand-cranked radio. Keep the kit in an easily accessible spot and regularly check and replenish its contents. You don’t want to put batteries in your flashlight only to discover they have expired and don’t work!

Protect Your Home or Business

Hurricanes bring strong winds capable of downing trees and power lines. Keep nearby trees trimmed and remove any dead branches to minimize the risk of damage to your property. Backup generators offer a reliable source of power for your home or business should an outage occur. There are a variety of sizes and types of backup generators available, from portable gasoline-powered generators to diesel or propane units that can power whole homes or commercial buildings. If you already have a generator, make sure you keep up with regular maintenance for it and test it regularly to ensure it’s working properly.

Preparing your home or business for hurricane season isn’t just about safeguarding your property; it’s about protecting the lives and well-being of those who depend on you. By staying informed, planning ahead, and taking the proper precautions, you can weather hurricane season with confidence. If you’d like to learn more about a backup generator for your home or business, or if you’d like to schedule a maintenance service for an existing backup power system, contact the trusted generator specialists at Tower Generator. Serving all of Connecticut, western Massachusetts and eastern New York, we’d appreciate the opportunity to work with you. Stay safe!