
Backup Power for Back to School

Standby generator outside of a school building.

As the summer months begin to whittle away, students and teachers begin to prep for the back-to-school season. Similarly, building staff and maintainers are diligently working to ensure the facilities are clean, organized, and ready to begin holding classes once again. That includes making sure the school is prepared in the event of a power outage, whether that occurs from a storm, grid failure, or other unforeseen events. This is where standby generators are valuable. In the same way that many homes rely on a generator for backup power, most schools and universities are equipped with much larger generators to restore electricity to the building during an outage. These standby generators work to ensure learning continues without interruption and that the safety and comfort of students and staff is maintained during potential emergencies.

Increasing Outages Affect Schools Across the Country

Power outages are becoming increasingly common due to aging infrastructure, extreme weather events, and the growing demand for electricity. According to data from the U.S. Department of Energy, the frequency and duration of power outages in the United States have been rising steadily over the past few decades. Educational facilities, like schools and universities, are particularly vulnerable to these outages, which can disrupt the school day, hinder learning, and even put students and faculty at risk.

When a school experiences a power outage, it’s not just about the inconvenience of losing lights. The impact is far-reaching, affecting everything from security systems and communication networks to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and even the ability to provide basic services such as food preparation in cafeterias. In such situations, having a reliable standby generator is not just a luxury but a necessity.

Safeguarding Students During Power Outages

The safety of students is the top priority for any school. Power outages can put their safety at risk in several ways, making it crucial for schools to have a reliable backup power source. Here’s how standby generators contribute to maintaining a safe environment for students:

Keep Security Systems Running

Modern schools are equipped with sophisticated security systems, including surveillance cameras, electronic locks, and alarm systems. These systems rely heavily on electricity to function. In the event of a power outage, these security measures can be rendered useless, leaving the school vulnerable to unauthorized access or other security breaches. A standby generator ensures that these systems remain operational, keeping students and staff safe.

Provide Power for Emergency Lighting

During a power outage, the sudden loss of lighting can create panic, especially in large schools with multiple buildings and long corridors. Emergency lighting powered by standby generators helps to guide students and staff safely through the premises, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring that evacuation procedures can be carried out smoothly if necessary.

Ensure Life-Saving Equipment Can Operate

Some students may require medical devices or other specialized equipment that needs a continuous power supply. In schools with students who have such needs, a power outage could be life-threatening. Standby generators ensure that critical medical equipment remains operational, providing peace of mind to parents and school administrators alike.

Maintain Communication Channels

Effective communication is vital during emergencies. During a power outage, communication systems such as intercoms, public address systems, and even internet-based communication platforms may be rendered inoperable. A standby generator ensures that these lines of communication remain functional, allowing school administrators to coordinate emergency responses, inform parents, and keep everyone updated on the situation.

Powering Through An Outage With Seamless Learning

Beyond safety, the primary mission of any educational institution is to facilitate learning. In an increasingly digital world, power outages can severely disrupt the educational process. Standby generators play a crucial role in ensuring that learning continues uninterrupted, even during power outages.

Retain Functional Classrooms 

Many modern classrooms are equipped with digital tools such as interactive whiteboards, computers, projectors, and other electronic devices that enhance the learning experience. These tools rely on a steady supply of electricity to function. When a power outage occurs, it can bring the entire learning process to a halt. With a standby generator in place, these essential tools remain operational, allowing teachers to continue their lessons without interruption.

Support Online Learning Platforms

In schools that rely on hybrid or fully online learning models, a power outage can disrupt not only in-person classes but also remote learning sessions. A standby generator ensures that servers, Wi-Fi networks, and other critical infrastructure remain operational, allowing students to continue their education from home or in the classroom.

Preserve Data and Educational Resources

From student records and grades to lesson plans and educational resources, schools generate and store vast amounts of data. In a power outage, there is a risk of data loss or corruption if systems are not properly shut down. Standby generators provide the necessary power to ensure that data is safely stored and that backup procedures can be completed without interruption.

Maintain Comfort and Focus

A comfortable learning environment is essential for student concentration and focus. Power outages can lead to uncomfortable conditions in classrooms, especially in extreme weather. For example, without power, HVAC systems may fail, leading to excessively hot or cold classrooms that are not conducive to learning. Standby generators keep HVAC systems running, ensuring that students can remain focused and engaged in their studies.

Continue Cafeteria Services

A standby generator also plays a vital role in ensuring that school cafeterias can continue to operate efficiently during power outages. By providing a reliable source of electricity, these generators allow refrigerators, freezers, and cooking equipment to remain functional. This prevents food from spoiling, ensuring that students can still enjoy nutritious and safe meals on schedule. Additionally, standby generators help to maintain sanitary conditions in the cafeteria by powering ventilation systems and lighting, which are crucial for food safety and preparation.

Empower Education With A Standby Generator at School

Standby generators are a critical component of any educational facility, providing necessary backup power for the infrastructure that ensures the safety of students and the continuity of learning. As the frequency and impact of power outages continue to rise, schools must invest in reliable backup power solutions to protect their students, staff, and educational mission. By integrating standby generators into their emergency preparedness plans, schools can provide a safe and stable learning environment, even in the face of unexpected challenges. The investment in a standby generator is an investment in the future, ensuring that students can continue to learn and thrive, no matter what the circumstances.

Trust Tower Generator for Your School’s Generator Installation & Service

With nearly 30 years of experience, Tower Generator understands the unique needs of municipalities, especially education institutions. They work to ensure a smooth installation process that meets all local and state ordinances and individual facility needs. In addition to public and private schools, our ever-growing list of satisfied customers includes grocery stores, health organizations, manufacturing facilities, condo complexes, and more. From brand new installations to routine service, Tower Generator handles 100% of the project 100% of the time. We’re an authorized dealer of the top generator brands, including Cummins, Kohler, and Generac. For service you can trust, day or night, you can count on Tower Generator. Contact us today to discuss installing a new backup power system for your education facility or to schedule a service appointment for an existing generator.